Nakamura T, Petrosky SJ, Schneider I, Amemiya C, and Crow KD

Developmental-Genetic Toolkit for Evolutionary Developmental Biology

Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, 2nd edition (in print)

Liu1 L, Davis S, Yusuff S, Strange A, Zhuang Y, Vaddi P, Flaherty K, Jara K, Kramer J, Archer C, Lee S, Gao B, Bokhoven AV, Wang W, Pine SR, Nakamura T, and Sabaawy HE.

Evolutionary conserved reciprocal senescence and tumor suppressor signals limit lifetime cancer


Hintermann A., Bolt CC., Hawkins MB, Valentin G., Delisle LL., Gitto S., Gomez PB., Mascrez B., Mansour TA., Nakamura T., Harris MP., Shubin NH., and Duboule D.

Evolutionary Co-Option of an Ancestral Cloacal Regulatory Landscape During the Emergence of Digits and Genitals



Wei J, Wood TWP , Flaherty K, Enny A, Andrescavage A, Brazer D, Navon D, Stewart TA, Cohen H, Shanabag A, Kuroda S, Braasch I, and Nakamura T.

Distinct ossification trade-offs illuminate the shoulder girdle reconfiguration at the water-to-land transition.


Kuroda S, Lalonde RL, Mosimann C, and Nakamura T.

Multiple embryonic sources converge to form the pectoral girdle skeleton in zebrafish

Nature Communications

Marlétaz F*, Calle-Mustienes E, Acemel RD, Paliou C,……. Nakamura T*, Tena JJ*, Lupiáñez DG* , Rokhsar DS* and Gómez-Skarmeta J. (*corresponding authors)

The little skate genome and the evolutionary emergence of wing-like fin appendages



Hawkins MB, Jandzik D, Tulenko FJ, Cass AN, Nakamura T, Shubin NH, Davis MC, and Stock DW.

An Fgf–Shh positive feedback loop drives growth in developing unpaired fins.


Laureano AS, Flaherty K, Hinman AM, Jadali A, Nakamura T, Higashijima SI, Sabaawy HE, Kwan KY.

Shox2 is required for vestibular statoacoustic neuron development.

Biol Open.


Enny A, Thompson A, Racicot B, Braasch I, and Nakamura T.                                                                                                        Cellular mechanisms of frontal bone development in spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus).                                                                           Dev Dyn.

Enny A, Thompson A, Racicot B, Braasch I, and Nakamura T. Cellular mechanisms of frontal bone development in spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus). Dev Dyn.

Nakamura T*, Schneider I* and Shubin NH*

Evolution: The deep genetic roots of tetrapod specific traits.

Current Biology


Enny A, Flaherty K, Mori S, Turner N and Nakamura T. Developmental Constraints on Fin Diversity. Dev Growth Differ

Enny A, Flaherty K, Mori S, Turner N and Nakamura T.
Developmental Constraints on Fin Diversity.
Dev Growth Differ


Turner N, Mikalauskaite D, Barone K, Flaherty K, Senevirathne G, Adachi N, Shubin NH and Nakamura T. (;equal contributions)
The evolutionary origins and diversity of the neuromuscular system of paired appendages in batoids.
Proc Biol Sci


Letelier J, Calle-Mustienes E, Pieretti J, Naranjo S, Maeso I, Nakamura T, Pascual-Anaya J, Shubin NH, Schneider I, Martinez-Morales JR & Gómez-Skarmeta JL.
A conserved Shh cis-regulatory module highlights a common developmental origin of unpaired and paired fins.
Nature Genetics


Nakamura T, Gerhke AR, Lemberg J, Szymaszek J, Shubin NH
Digits and fin rays share common developmental histories.

Braasch I, Gehrke AR, Smith JJ, Kawasaki K, Manousaki T, Pasquier J, Amores A, Desvignes T, Batzel P, Catchen J, Berlin AM, Campbell MS, Barrell D, Martin KJ, Mulley JF, Ravi V, Lee AP, Nakamura T et al. The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitated human-teleost comparisons. Nature Genetics  

Braasch I, Gehrke AR, Smith JJ, Kawasaki K, Manousaki T, Pasquier J, Amores A, Desvignes T, Batzel P, Catchen J, Berlin AM, Campbell MS, Barrell D, Martin KJ, Mulley JF, Ravi V, Lee AP, Nakamura T…………,Postlethwait J.
The spotted gar genome illuminates vertebrate evolution and facilitated human-teleost comparisons.
Nature Genetics  

Inaba Y, Shinohara K, Bottled Y, Nabeshima R, Takaoka K, Ajima R, Lamri L, Takeda H, Saga Y, Nakamura T, Hamada H.
Transport of the outer dynein arm complex to cilia requires a cytoplasmic protein Lrcc6.
Genes Cells


Nakamura T, Klomp J, Pieretti J., Schneider I.,Gerhke AR., Shubin NH. Molecular mechanisms underlying the exceptional adaptations of batoid fins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

Nakamura T, Klomp J, Pieretti J., Schneider I.,Gerhke AR., Shubin NH.
Molecular mechanisms underlying the exceptional adaptations of batoid fins.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

Pieretti J, Gehrke AR, Schneider I, Adachi N, Nakamura T, Shubin NH. Organogenesis in deep time: A problem in genomics, development, and paleontology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

Pieretti J, Gehrke AR, Schneider I, Adachi N, Nakamura T, Shubin NH.
Organogenesis in deep time: A problem in genomics, development, and paleontology.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A


Gehrke AR, Schneider I, de la Calle-Mustienes E, Tena JJ, Gomez-Marin C, Chandran M, Nakamura T, Braasch I, Postlethwait JH, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Shubin NH.
Deep conservation of wrist and digit enhancers in fish.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A


Dong F, Shinohara K, Botilde Y, Nabeshima R, Asai Y, Fukumoto A, Hasegawa T, Matsuo M, Takeda H, Shiratori H, Nakamura T and Hamada H.
Pih1d3 is required for cytoplasmic pre-assembly of axonemal dynein in mouse sperm.
Journal of Cell Biology


Inácio JM, Marques S, Nakamura T, Shinohara K, Meno C, Hamada H, Belo JA.
The dynamic right-toleft translocation of Cerl2 is involved in the regulation and termination of Nodal activity in the mouse node.
PLoS One


Nakamura T, Saito D, Kawasumi A, Shinohara K, Asai Y, Takaoka K, Dong F, Takamatsu A, Belo JA, Mochizuki A, Hamada H.
Fluid flow and interlinked feedback loops establish left-right asymmetric decay of Cerl2 mRNA.
Nature Communications
Lei Z, Maeda T, Tamura A, Nakamura T, Yamazaki Y, Shiratori H, Yashiro K, Tsukita S, Hamada H.
EpCAM contributes to formation of functional tight junction in the intestinal epithelium by recruiting claudin proteins.
Developmental Biology

Nakamura T, Hamada H.
Left-right patterning: conserved and divergent mechanisms.

Kawasumi.A, Nakamura T, Iwai N, Yashiro K, Saijoh Y, Belo J, Shiratori H, Hamada H.
Left-right asymmetry of Nodal activity in the node is translated into left-right asymmetry in the lateral plate of mouse embryos.
Developmental Biology

Tanaka C, Sakuma R, Nakamura T, Hamada H, Saijoh Y.
Long-range action of Nodal requires interaction with GDF1.
Genes and Development


Nakamura T, Mine N, Nakaguchi E, Mochizuki A, Yamamoto M, Yashiro K, Meno C, Hamada H.
Generation of robust left-right asymmetry in the mouse embryo requires a self- enhancement and lateral-inhibition system.
Developmental Cell


Saijoh Y, Oki S, Tanaka C, Nakamura T, Adachi H, Yan YT, Shen MM, Hamada H.
Two nodal-responsive enhancers control left-right asymmetric expression of Nodal. 
Developmental Dynamics


Takagi M, Nakamura T, Matsuda C, Hattori T, Wakitani S, Yoshida T.
In vitro proliferation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells employing donor serum and basic fibroblast growth factor.


